In deployment of the Metropolitan Action Plan (Art. 15.2 of Law 31/2010 of the AMB)
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Action Programme 2019-2023 of the AMB Transparency Agency

- Autor:
- Agència de Transparència
- Editorial:
- Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
- Edició:
- Plans i programes
- Idiomes:
- Anglès
- Data de publicació:
- 27/04/2021
- Descarregar
- Descarregar
In this 2019-2023 term, it is time to specify and approve the Transparency Agency's Strategic Plan, in the form of its Service Action Programme, which must address the stabilisation and consolidation of transparency and good governance once the initial deployment phase of this public policy has been completed, and after the foundations of the Transparency Agency's operations have been laid with the experience accumulated over the last five years.
Thus, this Action Programme intends to consolidate the policies of transparency, public integrity and good governance in the 2019-2023 term within the scope of the AMB, its related entities and the companies providing metropolitan public services. Insofar as possible, this Plan incorporates the suggestions and requests that the different metropolitan groups have sent to the Transparency Agency since its creation.