Lux Barcelona, No. 4. November 2022. English edition

Metropolitan Transparency Review

The fourth issue of Lux Barcelona magazine is focused on gender equality policies from the perspective of transparency and good governance.

Lux Barcelona, No. 4. November 2022. English edition
Various authors
Sara Berbel Sánchez, Gemma Calvet i Barot, Àngel Castiñeira Fernández, Jordi Duró Trouillet, Oriol Estela Barnet, Natza Farré i Maduell, Vittorio Galletto, Jaume Garcia Soler, Maria Eugènia Gay Rosell, Anna Gener Surrell, Kim Manresa Mirabet, Guillem Martí Soler, Pilar Molina Mesa, Carme Poveda Martínez, Mar Rosàs Tosas, Maria Teixidor Jufresa , Francesc Torralba Roselló, Núria Tria Paradeda, Juliana Vilert i Barnet, Associació 50a50.
Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
Data de publicació:


The theme of the fourth volume of the magazine Lux Barcelona is feminism and gender equality policies, which are a fundamental principle of human rights and increasingly a key part of advanced governance models.

The Director of the AMB Transparency Agency, Gemma Calvet, introduces this fourth volume of the Lux Barcelona magazine, a monographic issue on gender equity, with a presentation of the Demeter Programme, which wants to incorporate the gender perspective into transparency and data visualisation.

The research work "The ethics of algorithms and the gender perspective: from opacity to transparency", by Francesc Torralba,Núria Tria, Mar Rosàs and Guillem Martí, constitutes one of the pillars of this volume and analyses gender biases in the artificial intelligence algorithms. The other three pillars are documents linked to the deployment of the Demeter Programme: "The role of leadership for egalitarian and ethical organisations"; "The challenge of equality in organisations", drawn up by the 50a50 Association, and the "Recommendation to promote effective equality between men and women as a metropolitan good governance policy", prepared by the Transparency Agency.

Sara Berbel , Maria Teixidor and Natza Farré reflect, under the "Lighthouse" heading, on ideas relating to the practical application of gender equality policies and the prevention of discrimination against women. As always, the magazine includes several snapshots of the metropolitan landscape captured by the renowned photographer Kim Manresa and illustrations on feminism with the particular graphic opinion of Jordi Duró.