Code of Ethics and Conduct for senior officials of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) and its associated entities
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Code of Ethics and Conduct

- Autor:
- Agència de Transparència
- Editorial:
- Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
- Edición:
- Normativa
- Idiomas:
- Inglés
- Fecha de publicación:
- 30/01/2018
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The Agency of Transparency has driven the creation of an Code of ethics for senior officials and managers of the AMB in the mandate 2015-2019, in accordance with the performance Due in the Plan of Metropolitan Performance. The Code of ethics is the tool of management of the ethical public that conceptualises the principles and values that have to observe the people that situate ahead of the AMB. The Code establishes the standards of behaviour, puts black on white which expects of his addressees and, in the last resort, orients his discerniment, in fulfillment of his functions of formation to the addressees, follow-up and implementation of this measure.
The Code configures how an instrument of self-regulatory that forces by means of the subscription of the commitment of individualised adhesion and in spite of not being normative is vinculat to the penalising diet of the Law 19/2014 (title VII). It addresses to all the representative charges, to all the members of the Metropolitan Council, to the senior officials and managers of the AMB (general manager and the area and service managers) and of his entities that have a similar position.