Technology and good government: utopia or dystopia

6th International Seminar on Transparency

Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167, 08025 

Inscriure's a l'activitat

Hybrid modality, face-to-face and virtual. Simultaneous translation Spanish / Catalan – English

Organised by:

Agència de Transparència de l'AMB

In collaboration with:

Generalitat de Catalalunya. Secretaria de Govern Obert


9.00 a.m. Opening


  • Ernest Maragall i Mira, Vice-president of International Relations and Cooperation of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
  • Pilar Díaz Romero, Mayor of Esplugues de Llobregat and metropolitan councillor
  • Lídia Muñoz Cáceres, Mayor of Sant Feliu de Llobregat and metropolitan councillor
  • Isidre Sierra i Fusté, Mayor of Sant Climent de Llobregat and metropolitan councillor

9.30 a.m. Table 1. The digital revolution: context and ethical challenges of the 21st century

"Context, reality and efforts in ethical implementation to artificial intelligence at a European level"

  • Karina Gibert, Engineer and Doctor in Computing, Director of IDEAI-Polytechnic University of Catalonia

"Open government: the opportunity of data management as a reinforcement to the defence of the general interest"

  • Mercè Crosas, Secretary of Open Government of the Government of Catalonia, Ex Chief of Data Science and Technology Officer at Harvard University

"A look into the world that comes"

  • David Cuartielles, Engineer, Promoter of Ashoka, Cofounder of Arduino and Open Hardware, Researcher at Malmö University

"Surveillance capitalism: strategies of reappropiation"

  • Wouter Tebbens, Industrial Engineer, Cofounder of the Free Knowledge Institute, Cofounder of The Online Meeting Cooperative

Moderator: Xavier Pi. Industrial Engineer, President of the group of work Diagnostic 4.0 of the Association of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia

11.00 a.m. Coffee break

11.30 a.m. Table 2. The digital bureaucracy: risks and best practices in the public sector

"The long way, the risks, the rights of citizens and the good technological government"

  • Concepción Campos, Secretary of Local Administration, expert in digital transformation of the public sector

"The management of communications and the digital gap: the democratic bond"

  • Àstrid Desset, Director Manager of the Consortium Open Administration of Catalonia

"Talent and innovation of citizens and SMEs: opportunities and challenges for public administrations"

  • Roger Baig, Chief of Projects in Aragon Labs AG, developer company of Vocdoni, a system of electronic vote based on blockchain

"The juridical statute of citizens and digital identity: rights and loopholes"

  • Rodolfo Tesone, President of the Digital Commission of the Barcelona Bar Association

Moderator: Gemma Calvet. Director of the Agency of Transparency of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

2.00 p.m. Pause

Cocktail lunch

3.30 p.m. Table 3. The guarantee of integrity and the utility of artificial intelligence

"Systems of control of the High French Authority for the transparency of public life"

  • Eliezer García Rosado, Director of Control of the Representatives of Interests at the High French Authority for the transparency of public life

"The impact of fraud in the field of technological contracting"

  • Brigitte Bishop, Director of the Office of the Inspector General of Montreal

"The electronic management of the statements of assets, activities and interests. The experience of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Balearic Islands"

  • Jaume Far, Director of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Balearic Islands

"Ethical mailboxes. Development and effectiveness"

  • Simona Levi, Cofounder of Xnet

Moderator: Joan Xirau. Deputy Director of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia

5.00 p.m. Closure

— Karina Gibert

Professor of Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech

Karina Gibert (1967) is professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC) since 2018, co-founder and member of the management team of the Research Center on Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI) and professor at the UPC since 1990 in subjects such as statistics, multivariate analysis, data mining, data science and intelligent decision support systems.

Degree in Computer Science (1990) with specializations in computational statistics and Artificial Intelligence. PhD in Computer Science (UPC, 1995). Postgraduate in University Teaching (UPC, 1996). Member of the governmental working team Catalonia.AI (since October 2018) and has participated in the drafting of the Strategic Plan for AI of the Catalan government. She also advises the European Commission on ethics and AI issues, and is editor of the journal Environmental Modelling and Software.

Founder of the donesCOEINF Commission for the gender gap in Computer Engineering (May 2018), vice-dean of presidency for equality and ethics of the Official Board of Computer Engineering of Catalonia (COEINF) since 2020 and former vice-dean of Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

— Mercè Crosas Navarro

Secretary of Open Government of the Government of Catalonia, former head of the Office of Data Science and Data Management Technology at Harvard University.

(Barcelona, 1966) is chief research data management officer at Harvard University (University Research Date Management Officer, Harvard University Information Technology), and head of the office of data science and technology at the Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS).

She worked closely with research offices, computing services and libraries to coordinate support for the entire data lifecycle. Guidance on university policy, processes and procedures for research data. In addition, he has extensive experience in data management architecture and international data standards, as well as insight into their accessibility and ensuring their privacy.

Co-leader of the Datavere project, open source software for publishing research data. Since 2006 she has also served on numerous international committees and working groups focused on open data, data management and data sharing standards. She is co-author of the internationally recognised and endorsed FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data principles, and has contributed to the OECD recommendations for public data access.

Crosas has also worked with biotechnology companies, leading the development of computer systems for data management and analysis.

With a degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona and a PhD in Astrophysics from Rice University (Houston, Texas) with a grant from the Ministry to do her doctorate abroad, she was a predoctoral and postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and spent six years at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

From June 2021 she will take command of the Open Government Secretariat of the Department of External Action and Transparency of the Government of Catalonia.

— David J. Cuartielles Ruiz

IoTaP Researcher, University of Malmo, Co-founder Arduino

David Cuartielles is PhD in Interaction Design and MSc in Telecommunications Engineering. He founded the IOIO lab at Malmo University, formerly known as K3 Prototyping Lab. He teaches interactive technologies at bachelor, master and PhD levels. He is also one of the co-founders of the open source platform Arduino.

Currently, he is a researcher at the Centre for Internet of Things and People (IoTaP) at the University of Malmo. His research work includes an analysis of the creation of platforms as well as their relevance in everyday situations. He is currently studying the consequences of the introduction of open technologies, the socio-economic acceleration brought about by digitalization, and the risks for individuals and social groups.

He collaborates with several universities as an educator in the fields of interactive art, creative coding, interaction design and integrated technology.

— Wouter Tebbens

President Free Knowledge Institute

Wouter Tebbens is an industrial engineer, born and raised in the Netherlands, co-founder and president of the Free Knowledge Institute. He has been in the world of free software and the digital commons for 20 years. He works for a fairer and more sustainable knowledge society, based on free technologies, community telecom networks and a democratization of the economy. He considers key the confluence between the social and solidarity economy and the commons and a collective reappropriation of technology.

He has devised, co-founded and participates in the integral cooperative femProcomuns and communities such as The Things Network. During the pandemic he co-founded the initiative The Online Meeting Co-operative - - to offer a videoconferencing service with free software, privacy protection and renewable energy.


— Free Knowledge Institute:

— The Things Network:

— femProcomuns SCCL:

— The Online Meeting Co-operative:

— Xavier Pi

Industrial Engineer by the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Legal Consultant in Industrial Computing and ICT by the COEIC.

Passionate about the Digital Twins and the Internet of Things (and embedded systems) as central factors of the 4th industrial revolution, fostering interdisciplinary environments. His hybrid profile with respect to the branches of mechanical and software engineering has brought him closer to the world of cyber-physical systems. He combines his professional activity in the industrial field with the co-direction of the Master in Industry 4.0 at the UPC School and teaching software engineering and Industry 4.0 at the UOC. He is a member of the editorial board of the magazine InfoPLC++ and advisor in the European project DITRAMA in Industry 4.0.



— Concepción Campos Acuña

Doctor of Law, Professional Public Manager

Doctor in Law Cum Laude and Bachelor in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Master in Law of Public Administrations and Institutions (USC), Specialist in Local Public Management (FEMP) and Professional Public Directive (EGAP), accredited in Digital Competences for Public Managers, by the Ibero-American School of Administration and Public Policies of CLAD.

She is a civil servant of local administration with state qualification, subscale of Secretariat, Superior category, a post she has held in different City Councils, Associations and Consortiums.

She is a Corresponding Academic of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain, Co-Director of Red Localis (, member of the Advisory Board of the Ibero-American Chair of the University of Santiago de Compostela. She is a member of the External Evaluation Board of the Journal of the Legal Office of Castilla-La Mancha (GABILEX), of the Advisory Board of LA LEY Compliance Penal, of the Editorial Board of the Basque Journal of Management of People and Public Organizations and is a member of the Editorial Board of Actualidad Administrativa, and of the Technical Committee of Compliance in the Public Sector of the World Compliance Association. He is a permanent stakeholder in the European Commission's COVAL 2020 project "Understanding value co-creation in public services".

Technical member of the Network of Local Entities for Transparency and Citizen Participation of the FEMP, and of the working group of the Right of Access to Public Information and of the Committee for the Improvement of Economic Regulation, of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, of the Working Group of the Commission of Modernization, Citizen Participation and Quality. Recipient of various awards related to the reform and modernization of public administration.

He has signed multiple publications in specialized journals, with more than 100 high impact articles and monographs on digital transformation, transparency and procurement.

— Àstrid Desset i Desset

Managing Director of the Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia

Graduate in Computer Engineering from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Postgraduate in Electronic Administration and Open Government in the Local World from the Universitat de Girona. Currently studying a Master's Degree in Innovation and Digital Transformation at the UOC.

She has developed her profession in the field of ICT working more than ten years as a freelance and, from 2010, as a technician in information systems to the Public Health Agency of the Diputació de Girona where, since October 2020, she is on leave of absence for special services.

— Roger Baig Viña

Project Manager at Aragon Labs AG, developer of Vocdoni

Roger Baig Viñas is project manager at Aragón Labs AG, where he has developed the blockchain-based electronic voting system "Vocdoni". As project manager he is responsible for defining requirements with customers, establishing work and control plans for quality assurance. Previously he has been responsible for the research area of the Foundation. He holds a degree in industrial engineering, one in industrial electronics and automation and one in computer science. He did his PhD at the Department of Computer Architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, where he is currently an external associate professor. His research interests include: business models, sustainability and governance of the commons, incentive systems and voting systems.

— Rodolfo Tesone Mendizábal

President of the Digital Commission of the Barcelona Bar Association

Rodolfo Tesone Mendizabal is an expert lawyer in Digital Law and Information and Communication Technologies with more than 20 years of experience. Member of the Governing Board of the Barcelona Bar Association and President of the Digital Transformation Commission, responsible for the Compliance, Prospects and Corporate Lawyers Commissions.

He is one of the 15 members of the Group of Experts created by the Spanish Government for the drafting of the "Spanish Digital Rights Charter" promoted by the Ministry of Economy and the Secretary of State for Digitalization.

As an expert lawyer in Digital Law, he is in charge of strategic business planning, as well as the supervision, and coordination of the provision of services and solutions in Digital Law on matters such as Privacy and Protection of Information, Information Society Services and E-Commerce, e-Marketing, Social Networks, Teleworking, Technology-Cloud Contracts, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Contracts, Cloud ComputingBig Data, Start ups, Blockchain, Electronic Certification (Contracting, Signature and electronic invoicing), Protection of intangible assets and domains on the Internet, Computer crimes and cybercrime, as well as implementation and sustainability of SGSI-ISO 27001.

Member of the Committee of Experts in the General Council of Spanish Lawyers, and of the Spanish Chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance, he was a founding member of the APEP (Spanish Professional Privacy Association).

— Gemma Calvet i Barot

Director of the Transparency Agency of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

Gemma Calvet is a lawyer, with a Master's degree in Social Policies and Human Rights from the University of Barcelona and a postgraduate degree in Diplomatic Law from the Barcelona Bar Association. She is currently Director of the Transparency Agency of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB). Since 1991, she has practised as a lawyer and consultant in the fields of criminal law and human rights. She was an independent member of the Parliament of Catalonia, where she was rapporteur of the Transparency Law. She is the author of several books and has collaborated for more than fourteen years in various media. She is a member of the Association of European Democratic Lawyers.

— Eliezer García-Rosado Bordallo

Director of Stakeholder Monitoring at the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP - France)

Eliezer García-Rosado, a Spanish national, has a degree in Spanish-French law from the Complutense University of Madrid and the Sorbonne University of Paris and a Master's degree in European Union law (Sorbonne).

She started her career in the Directorate General for Competition of the French Ministry of Economy, in charge of monitoring mergers and acquisitions at both national and European level. She then moved to the French Competition Authority, where she worked as an investigator in anti-competitive practices cases, investigating cartel and abuse of dominance cases.

After a few years in the Cartel Directorate of the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission, she decided to return to Paris as an expert trainer at the French Competition Authority. For the last three years, she has been the director of lobbying and interest group control at the French High Authority for Transparency in Public Life.

— Brigitte Bishop

Inspector General of Montreal

She holds a degree in Law from the University of Ottawa and a graduate degree in Financial Crime from the University of Sherbrooke. She has been a member of the Quebec Bar Association since 1989. She has served as a prosecutor for more than twenty-seven years, during which time she has participated in several specialized organized crime prosecution teams. She has also collaborated in the drafting of municipal, provincial and federal bills to promote public integrity. In 2017 she joined the Office of the Inspector General of Montreal as an assistant and in 2018 she was appointed inspector general of the city of Montreal.

— Jaume Far Giménez

Director of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Balearic Islands

Graduate in Economics and Business Studies from the University of the Balearic Islands. He is a civil servant in the senior corps of State Comptrollers and Auditors, on leave of absence, and a civil servant in the senior corps of State Tax Inspectors, in special services. He has spent most of his professional career at the State Tax Administration Agency in the Balearic Islands, as Head of the Regional Collection Unit. He has also worked as Director of the Municipal Tax Office of Calvià Town Council. Since 16 January 2018 he has been the Director of the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption in the Balearic Islands.

— Simona Levi

Representative of Xnet, director of the Postgraduate course on Technopolitics and Rights in the Digital Age at the University of Barcelona.

In 2017 Rolling Stone magazine chose Simona Levi, as co-founder of Xnet and 15MpaRato, as one of the 25 people in the world who are shaping the future.

Theatre director, playwright, technopolitical strategist, researcher, as an activist in recent years has focused on the renewal of democracy in the digital age and free culture, the strategic use of digital tools for organizing, communication, collective action and the fight against state corruption.

She is the initiator of projects such as Xnet or 15MpaRato, which has promoted the trial of the top management of Bankia, the 5th largest bank in Spain.

She is the promoter and co-author of several books, among them we highlight "#FAKEYOU - Fake News and Disinformation - Governments, political parties, mass media, corporations, big fortunes: monopolies of information manipulation and cuts in freedom of expression" (Editorial Rayo Verd 2019); " Votar y cobrar. La impunidad como forma de gobierno"; "Tecnopolítica, internet y r-evolucionas" - Sobre la centralidad de redes digitales en el # 15M -, and has coordinated "Cultura libre digital - Nociones básicas para defender lo que se de todxs", both published in 2012 by the publishing house Icaria.

— Joan Xirau

Deputy Director of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia

Xirau was born in 1956. He holds a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (UB) and a Master's degree in Public Management from ESADE-Ramon Llull. He has held several positions in the Generalitat. Most recently, he was responsible for technical and regulatory support to the Directorate General for Modernisation and Innovation of the Administration. He has also been head of the Office of Processes and Electronic Administration at the secretariat of administration and civil service (2013-2016), sectorial secretary of the secretariat of relations with the administration of justice (2009-2011), deputy director general of personnel management at the directorate general of civil service (1995-1999) and head of the cabinet of the councillor of environment Albert Vilalta (1991-1993).

On 1 November 2016, Joan Xirau Serra was appointed deputy director of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia.

  • Opening and table 1




    • Ernest Maragall i Mira, Vice-president of International Relations and Cooperation of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
    • Pilar Díaz Romero, Mayor of Esplugues de Llobregat and metropolitan councillor
    • Lídia Muñoz Cáceres, Mayor of Sant Feliu de Llobregat and metropolitan councillor
    • Isidre Sierra i Fusté, Mayor of Sant Climent de Llobregat and metropolitan councillor


    Table 1. The digital revolution: context and ethical challenges of the 21st century

    "Context, reality and efforts in ethical implementation to artificial intelligence at a European level"

    • Karina Gibert, Engineer and Doctor in Computing, Director of IDEAI-Polytechnic University of Catalonia

    "Open government: the opportunity of data management as a reinforcement to the defence of the general interest"

    • Mercè Crosas, Secretary of Open Government of the Government of Catalonia, Ex Chief of Data Science and Technology Officer at Harvard University

    "A look into the world that comes"

    • David Cuartielles, Engineer, Promoter of Ashoka, Cofounder of Arduino and Open Hardware, Researcher at Malmö University

    "Surveillance capitalism: strategies of reappropiation"

    • Wouter Tebbens, Industrial Engineer, Cofounder of the Free Knowledge Institute, Cofounder of The Online Meeting Cooperative

    Moderator: Xavier Pi. Industrial Engineer, President of the group of work Diagnostic 4.0 of the Association of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia

  • Table 2


    Table 2. The digital bureaucracy: risks and best practices in the public sector

    "The long way, the risks, the rights of citizens and the good technological government"

    • Concepción Campos, Secretary of Local Administration, expert in digital transformation of the public sector

    "The management of communications and the digital gap: the democratic bond"

    • Àstrid Desset, Director Manager of the Consortium Open Administration of Catalonia

    "Talent and innovation of citizens and SMEs: opportunities and challenges for public administrations"

    • Roger Baig, Chief of Projects in Aragon Labs AG, developer company of Vocdoni, a system of electronic vote based on blockchain

    "The juridical statute of citizens and digital identity: rights and loopholes"

    • Rodolfo Tesone, President of the Digital Commission of the Barcelona Bar Association

    Moderator: Gemma Calvet. Director of the Agency of Transparency of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

  • Table 3


    Table 3. The guarantee of integrity and the utility of artificial intelligence

    "Systems of control of the High French Authority for the transparency of public life"

    • Eliezer García Rosado, Director of Control of the Representatives of Interests at the High French Authority for the transparency of public life

    "The impact of fraud in the field of technological contracting"

    • Brigitte Bishop, Director of the Office of the Inspector General of Montreal

    "The electronic management of the statements of assets, activities and interests. The experience of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Balearic Islands"

    • Jaume Far, Director of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Balearic Islands

    "Ethical mailboxes. Development and effectiveness"

    • Simona Levi, Cofounder of Xnet

    Moderator: Joan Xirau. Deputy Director of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia