
The legal framework that regulates the policies of transparency, good governance and public integrity in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona is mainly defined by Law 19/2014, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, as well as other general regulations on the legal framework of the metropolitan administration and sectoral regulations on open government, re-use of information, institutional integrity, data protection, contracts, agreements and subsidies, which operate under the fundamental principles and rights of European and international regulations. The implementation of these policies in the metropolitan area is conveyed through instructions and circulars promoted by the Transparency Agency.

More information on the interpretation and application of the legal framework:

Opinions of advisory bodies

Judicial decisions of public relevance

Laws and regulations applicable in the AMB related to transparency and public integrity

Selection of the main European, state, Catalan and metropolitan regulations that are directly applicable or constitute relevant references for the metropolitan policy of transparency, good governance and public integrity.


Instructions and circulars in the field of transparency and public integrity

In accordance with Article 6 of Law 40/2015 of 1 October on the legal regime of the public sector, administrative bodies may run the activities of bodies that are functionally or hierarchically dependent, by means of instructions, orders and circulars.

Instructions are sources of administrative law that contain general orders issued by these bodies, indicating the direction of their action.

On the other hand, circulars are provisions that regulate organizational or internal aspects of a matter and only bind the administrative bodies or officials to whom they are addressed.